Ready To Feel Confident In Your Body, Without Obsessing Over The Scale?
You need a Body Image Boost.

- The scale dictates your mood (and diet) for the day, even when you know it is normal for your weight to fluctuate
- When you over eat, you think about how you will under eat for the next few days and put in extra hard workouts
- Your body has been through some changes and you're tired of feeling less than when you're not super fit or thin
- You want to show up for yourself on bad body image days, instead of being flattened by them.
I created Body Image Boost for you!

You've felt this way for so long that you're wondering whether things will ever be different.
I hear ya.
It's normal to doubt wether it's possible to change the way you feel about yourself.
If you were 100% sure, you probably wouldn't be here!
Well, I can't promise you a magical overnight transformation.
But I can promise to teach you about your mind, how our emotions work, and evidence-based tools to support yourself when you're feeling down.
These are the skills that will help you show up as your best self, even on your off days.
With intention and practice, it really is possible.
You just need to learn the right skills.
Give Yourself A Body Image Boost!

- Five short video trainings covering everything from spotting body image triggers, regulating your emotions and showing yourself compassion
- Five worksheets to help you manage your thoughts and emotions to best serve you
- A coping styles self-assessment to help you understand the thoughts and behaviours that aren't serving you
- A Compassion Response Diary, so you can show yourself support when you are feeling critical
I'm Shannon Beer.
I know what it's like to feel self-conscious about how you look.
I grew up with acne-prone skin and it was something I thought about every single day. I was so insecure about my skin that I wouldn't even answer the door to the postman without foundation on!
And yeah, I wouldn't have believed you if you told me that could change.
Now I no longer hide away, even on a 'bad' skin day.
When I started coaching in the fitness industry, I realised just how common negative body image is. This led to a deep dive into the science.
6 years ago, body image became a core part of my coaching. I was blown away at how much of an impact it made. I have been helping people to feel comfortable and happy in their bodies ever since.
I created Body Image Boost to share some of these tools with you. Now you can show up as your best self, even on your off days.

Now is the time to get started
The more time you spend scrutinising your body and putting yourself down, the longer it can take to build yourself back up.
Your relationship with yourself is the longest relationship you'll ever have. This body, and this life, is the only one you've got.
There is no investment of time and effort that will pay off more than developing respect and appreciation for yourself.