Empower Yourself Through Compassionate Letter Writing

Whether you want to end the frustrating cycle of emotional eating and food guilt, improve your body image or support yourself when you're having a hard time, compassionate letter writing will help.

This is a proven strategy to help you let go of shame, guilt, and frustration and embrace a grounded, calm, and confident approach to supporting your body.



Give it a go:


Prefer A Written Guide?

Click the button below to download your guide to Compassionate Letter Writing, so you can keep returning to this exercise when you need it.

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Ready to break the frustrating cycle?

If you are struggling with emotional eating, never truly feeling at peace in your own body and pressure to adhere to a perfect health and fitness routine, then you may benefit from the support of EMPOWER Coaching.

Forget the surface level solutions and get to the root of why you struggle so you can achieving an empowering relationship with food and confidence in yourself.

Shannon helped me dig deeper into my story behind food, rather than staying surface level and just ticking some macro boxes.

I have tried many "nutrition" coaches who just told me what to do, what macros to hit or what to eat. Working with Shannon was completely different. I learned to see how eating well was a way of taking care of myself and my body, rather than me needing to 'earn' that. I am very grateful for you. Your lessons stay with me and have helped me be a better human & coach. Thank you!


This process has created so much freedom in my life.

I reached out to address my relationship with food, something that felt very overwhelming and unachievable. Shannon was able to guide me through the process of identifying and reframing unhelpful thought patterns contributing to my relationship with food and show the alternate outcomes to situations by being curious and kind to myself. It was honestly a life changing experience, one I would say everyone would benefit greatly from.